Tuesday, February 28, 2017

"Tolerant" Leftist Leaves OB/GYN over Trump Vote

I agree with some of the comments. She needs a psychiatrist more than an OB/GYN right now.
"Can you believe Trump is going to be our president?" I asked her, assuming she would commiserate.
"I'm excited for what he'll be able to do for our economy," she replied. "He's going to do great things for us."
I felt a wave of anxiety, and my blood began to boil. I couldn't wait to get out of there. I kept my mouth shut, because I didn't want to get into a confrontation while she had a speculum inside me. It was hell. I had to lay there and be polite and, as soon as she was finished, I left as quickly as I could.
She had this doctor for 15 years and with one vote that all ended. Maybe asking why the doctor supported Trump would have led to some understanding. Instead the doctor is labeled as "enemy in violation of thought-crime." This part is especially rich.
My doctor seemed more impressed with President Trump's plan to reduce taxes, and I care more about human rights. I'm a small business owner in California, and the majority of my team is made up of immigrants. I love my employees and consider them family. Without them and their dedication and skill, I wouldn't be operating a successful company. Trump's executive order banning travel from majority-Muslim countries and aggressive enforcement of immigration laws are heartbreaking - I believe in unity, not division.
That is why she cleaves to division? Unity is just word to liberals who really want diversity of everything except for thought. Also how is not letting someone into our country violating their human rights? I think the Muslim ban is feel-good lunacy that does nothing to protect us but it doesn't violate their human rights if they cannot enter the country for 90 days. If that were true then every country that has immigration laws is a human rights violator. In any case this woman needs to do some serious self reflection.

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