Monday, August 10, 2009

SEIU Brownshirts Rough up Protestors

It seems that the violence by the SEIU is just the beginning of quite a dark path.

The SEIU has taken center-stage in the Left's push-back on health care reform. They co-sponsored a rally in Tampa that featured fisticuffs. SEIU also had a large presence at a St. Louis rally where at last three of the group's volunteers were arrested in connection with an assault on Kenneth Gladney, who was selling flags and buttons outside the venue. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius held a conference call with SEIU members last week, in which she called them "brothers and sisters," and SEIU representatives compared Obama critics at town halls to "terrorists."

Also the people that beat Kenneth Gladney were supposedly issuing racial slurs as they beat him too. That means it might be time to dust off some of that hate crime legislation because that is pretty much what happened.

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