Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Obama Promises to go it Alone on ObamaCare

It seems that this thing will be rammed through by any means necessary.

"Sometime in September we're going to have to make an assessment" about whether to keep trying to negotiate with Republicans, he told MSNBC.

Obama said he "would prefer Republicans working with us" but that getting his main priorities for a health care overhaul are more important. It represents a marked change from the emphasis Obama placed on bipartisanship when he launched his campaign for a health care overhaul at a White House summit in March.

I think he needs to understand that if this thing fails it will be his fault entirely. I guess he is willing to stake his second term on what the Senate produces or fails to produce. My guess is it will be very watered down and Obama will still claim whatever it is as a milestone.

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