Monday, March 21, 2011

Sammy Hagar Details Alien Abduction: Don't Redicule him Just Yet

Well it seems that the so-called "Red" Rocker claims to be abducted by aliens.

He and the reporter are talking about dreams he claims to have had about UFOs, and when asked whether he believed he had been abducted, Hagar answers: "I think I have."

The reporter seemed surprised. "What? Really? I was kidding. You seriously believe that?" he asks.

Hagar laughs and goes on to explain that a passage in the book described as a dream in which he is contacted by aliens from outer space in California was, in fact, reality.

The tale describes how the beings tapped into his mind through a wireless connection.

"It was real," Hagar told the reporter, according to the story on MTV's Hive website. "They were plugged into me. It was a download situation ... Or, they uploaded something from my brain, like an experiment."

Of course the AP goes on to talk about Hagar's history of drug abuse and basically discredits his story. It would be interesting to have him hypnotically regressed to see what that turns up. I am a big believer that, even if it might not be aliens abducting people, something is happening. It would be interesting to see someone at least try to figure out if it is mass hysteria or some new form of night terror of something.

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