Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Dior Fashion Designer Galliano Canned for Anti-Semitism: Is the Hatred of Jews the New Black?

What is the deal with this anti-Semitic streak among prominent people nowadays? First we have Helen Thomas talking about how the Jews should go home and leave Israel. Then we had Mel Gibson rattling on about the Jews causing all the major wars and other nonsense. Then we had Julian Assange talking about "Jewish" conspiracies smearing his organization.

[Assange] went on to say that we were part of a conspiracy led by the Guardian which included journalist David Leigh, editor Alan Rusbridger and John Kampfner from Index on Censorship -- all of whom "are Jewish".

I pointed out that Rusbridger is not actually Jewish, but Assange insisted that he was "sort of Jewish" because he was related to David Leigh (they are brothers-in-law). When I doubted whether his Jewish conspiracty would stand up against the facts, Assange suddently conceded the point. "Forget the Jewish thing."

Now we have the head of the House of Dior going all Neo-Nazi on a couple of diners.

An apparent smoking gun emerged Monday when the British daily The Sun posted a video on its website showing Galliano, his speech slurred, appearing to taunt two women diners.

At one point, a woman's voice asks Galliano, "Are you blond, with blue eyes?"

Galliano replied: "No, but I love Hitler, and people like you would be dead today. Your mothers, your forefathers, would be ... gassed and ... dead."

I guess when these people drink they reveal the inner-anti Semite. It is strange to see all of this anti-Semitism coming to the fore after it seems like years since it surfaced. Maybe I don't keep up with it but I seem to remember that most of this stuff just came out of the crazies in the Arab World and Aryan Nation scumbags. Now it is million dollar actors and fashion designers who are worth millions to their companies getting in on the act.

So I wonder if there is this vein of anti-Semitism running though these celebrity types that most folks don't talk about? I mean someone like Galliano has such a different life and experience than Mel Gibson but they still harbor the same resentments. It would be interesting to get more of these celebrities drunk so they reveal their real self.

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