Tuesday, December 08, 2009

UN Economists are Nuts

It is just that plain and simple. I have to agree that any economist that tries to predict global economic trends 10 years in the future might as well be reading the entrails of a goat.

They went on to produce stacks of calculations about the economy of the planet over the next 10, 20, 30 or 40 years or more. Thus, for instance, do we find such hocus-pocus as the UNFCCC providing estimates that in the year 2030, climate “mitigation” will require “$200 to $210 billion” in order to “return greenhouse gas emissions to current levels.” This is accompanied by a slew of estimates involving such stuff as percentages of global GDP needed for “climate” projects, flows of resources to developing countries two decades from now and prompts for governments to direct what is laughably referred to in this context as “private investment.”

I have to agree that the developing world could easily become the developed world in even 20 years time. But what is more likely is third world kleptocrats and sticky fingered UN officials will make sure that that the vast majority of climate mitigation money will go to Villas in the South of France or Chalets in Gstaad and not to windmills in Burundi.

The more we look at it the more it looks like one of the biggest transfers of wealth from the developed world to criminal elements in the developing world in history. I guess this is the payback for all those years of the "colonial powers" ripping off the natural resources of the rest of the world.

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