Wednesday, December 23, 2009

This is Not How You Talk to the Owner of Our Money: Obama Shouts at Wen Jiabao at Copenhagen

I'm not sure how correct this Die Welt article is but if true it shows that Obama really needs to get some sleep. The last thing in the world we want to do now is to be shouting at the Red Chinese. I mean they are holding the deed to our entire economy and could cripple us financially if they want to.

According to rumors in the Bella Center, US President Barack Obama at about 11 PM, had impatiently asked to speak with Wen Jiabao in order to advance the discussion. But Obama had to wait. Wen, who, it was rumored, had rarely left his hotel room, could not be found. Finally, the US delegation located him in a room set aside for negotiations. A visibly furious Obama, according to reports, stormed into the room. “Are you now ready to talk with me, Premier Wen?” he was reported to have shouted. “Are you now ready? Premier Wen, are you now ready to talk with me?” What a scene for a US president.

Wen was not alone in the room at the time when Obama quite literally burst into the room, according to participants. At the time, the Premier was in a conversation with India’s head of state, Mammohan Singh and South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma. Suddenly the group saw itself forced into a conversation with the US president.

At the insistence of the impatient Obama, this unplanned and coincidentally-assembled negotiating round and participants, agreed on a minimal compromise.

The first time I saw South Africa mentioned as a part of this wishy-washy accord I did a double take. You would figure it would be a statement given by the G8 nations with maybe Brazil thrown in for good measure. So South Africa was puzzling until I read this. I think President Zuma was just within shouting distance of Obama and got sucked into the accord as a seemingly innocent bystander.

I would be willing to bet that this meeting between India, China and South Africa was regarding mining or some other non-climate change matter and Obama just burst into room shouting "Where is Wen!!! Bring me Wen!!! When Wen? Wen now!!!" It's like a scene out of a movie.

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