Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Copenhagen Brings to the Surface some Scary Thinking

Here is more evidence that some "climate advocates" might be the scariest people since the Nazis.

Dennis Meadows, one of the authors of the Malthusian 1972 classic "The Limits to Growth," also served up some climate honesty in a recent interview with Der Spiegel. "I lived long enough in a country like Afghanistan to know that I don't want us to have to live like that in the future. But we have to learn to live a life that allows for fulfillment and development, with the CO2 emissions of Afghanistan." Mr. Meadows's chilling corollary: "If you want everyone to have the full potential of mobility, adequate food and self-development, then . . . one or two billion" people is about all the population the planet can sustain.

Wait there are 6.8 billion people currently living on the earth. In other words this Dennis Meadows just talked about the potential genocide of nearly 5 billion people. He did it so breezily that it might have been Dr. Mengele saying it about Jews and Gypsies. That is about the most chilling thing I have read by someone that is "here to save us."

This guy is actually a professor and is President of the Laboratory for Interactive Learning whatever the hell that is. Of course he also does not say anything about getting to that magic 1-2 billion number. That is one question that he needs to answer to put his money where is Malthusian mouth is.

Also I wonder if Dr. Meadows will be a member of those 1 -2 billion saved people? I mean he is a trained systems manager and the UN Climate Genocide Board will probably figure he is worth at least 1000+ uneducated Chinese villagers or Brazilian Favela dwellers. The elites like Dr. Meadows will never have to face the genetically tailored super-germs or the forced abortions and sterilizations it would need to wipe out 5 billion people.

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