Monday, December 07, 2009

Climate Change Summit to Emit the Carbon Footprint of Morrocco

Now that is some conference on preventing carbon.

In all, the UN estimates that the carbon footprint of the Carbonhagen Slummit should be roughly 40,584 tons of carbon-related emissions, or approximately the entire carbon output of the nation of Morocco for all of 2006. That comes out to 100,083.5 dead polar bears per 400kg of carbon emissions. Are there even that many polar bears on Planet Earth? Won't be by Wednesday! And all that's not even counting all the limos being driven to Carbonhagen from all over Europe, or all the CO2 about to be spewed by 16,500 blowhards.

How many people will be killed by all this carbon? Don't they care about the polar bears and people with lung diseases? Can't these people just do this by teleconference and save a few drowning polar bears?

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