Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Rangel Version of ObamaCare is a Jobs Killer

It seems that the Dems in Congress are actively trying to kill off any recovery before it even starts.

Democrats claim these tax increases on the rich won't do any economic harm. They should read the work of Christina Romer before she became chief White House economist. Ms. Romer and her husband, David Romer, a Berkeley economist, have published multiple studies on the impact of tax policy changes over the past 100 years. One of their findings is that "tax increases appear to have a very large, sustained and highly significant negative impact on output." In other words, tax hikes are an antistimulus.

The jobs killing nature of tax hikes on small business is being touted by the White Houses own economist in her prior work. I mean she should know what she is talking about since Obama is her boss and vetted her.

It just seems like Congress sits awake at night trying to think of ways of keeping jobs from being created. I think if Obama is a 1 termer he has only people like Rangel and Pelosi to blame.

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