Friday, July 24, 2009

Mistrust of Government is Behind ObamaCare Resistance

I have noticed that this mistrust of government seems endemic in quite a bit of the populace and it might ultimately kill off ObamaCare.

One reason, of course, is that the mistrust is deeply ingrained now and not easily or quickly overcome. Recent events and the promise of big government help made things worse, however.

Americans have watched with frustration as their federal government has committed nearly $800 billion to stimulate the economy yet they've seen unemployment continue to rise. They've also watched their government send billions to Wall Street only to see financial firms give their executives big bonuses.

"Voters are in sacrifice overload," pollster John Zogby said. "They're dishing out trillions already and aren't seeing the return."

I think this is exactly the reason why ObamaCare is such a hard sell. They have seen trillions of dollars spent and have seen about $18 worth of return in their paycheck. I mean the stimulus bill was just money-wasting Democrat business as usual and didn't stimulate anything other then the national debt.

Now Americans are asked to pony up another trillion dollars to the same government that screws up on a nearly hourly basis. This is a government that pays for $1000 toilet seats, has a Veterans Hospital that is a decrepit joke, and seems to crash Amtrak trains every few weeks.

Now people are supposed to trust them with their very lives just for some savings on health insurance? I agree with Obama when he says "you rather stick with the devil you know then the devil you don't know." I think most Americans would rather see some tweaks the health insurance rather then a dismantling of the system.

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