Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Health Insurance Doesn't Promote Healthy Living

Now this has to be the most wrong-headed thing I have read in a while.

But there's no reason to suppose that taking a tiny sliver of the incomes of the top 1 percent will reduce all that much of their ardor to invest, innovate, and hire in the future. Yet if this tiny sliver means affordable health care for a far larger number of Americans, who will be able to get regular checkups and thereby stay healthy and productive, the positive effect on the American economy is likely to be far greater.

What will reduce their ardor to invest and innovate is the the 8% charge that they will be hit with if they expand their business to more then 26 employees.

Also having health insurance will not automatically make people go to the doctor more often. I mean there are 150 million people with health insurance provided by their companies and they are still fat, still smoke, and still live unhealthy lives.

Even if there was a magic multi-trillion dollar single payer system; that insured every American so that everything was 100% free; we would still have huge numbers of fat people, people that don't exercise, and smokers like President Obama.

Our lifestyles are just so much different then Europeans and our diet is just 10x worse then the Japanese. It doesn't matter who is paying for the insurance we are still going to keep on living how we are living.

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