Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Dems Looks At Income Tax Surcharge to Fund Obamacare?

You have got to be joking. They want to pay for health care on the backs of the rich who are already getting their taxes hiked.

Numerous officials say that under the proposal, an income tax surcharge would be imposed on individuals earning more than $200,000, with a higher threshold for couples.

What kind of idiocy is this? You never raise taxes during a recession. It is just that simple. I think the Dems are hell-bent at driving us into the next Great Depression and are just pulling out all the stops in order to get it done.


Don Surber said...

You never lower taxes during a war, it just that simple!

Joemama said...

Actually change that to you never raise taxes during a recession. That is partly what turned the recession of 1929 into the Great Depression.