Wednesday, July 01, 2009

How McDonalds Won the French

This is a very interesting story on how a global icon like McDonalds was able to make France the number 2 most profitable part of its empire.

As I moved closer, I discovered that no food was being sold; instead, McDonald's was feeding its guests corporate propaganda. Large, colorful placards ringed the display, documenting the amount of French beef, poultry, and vegetables that McDonald's used, detailing the nutritional value of the food it served, and describing the company's eco-friendly practices. The words were accompanied by lots of pastoral imagery—cows, potatoes, sheaves of wheat.

This refers to how McDonalds uses 70% of its produce from French farmers and thus is more a part of France most people think. Also McDo as it is called in France just provides cheap food that students and retirees can both enjoy without breaking the bank. They also invented McCafes in France that they were able to transplant quite easily into the US. It is interesting to see that McDonalds alters their product for the market that they are in so easily like that.

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