Thursday, August 24, 2006

Japanese Consumer Loans

This is an interesting article on how consumer loans are handled in Japan.
Things look better for the banking business in Japan now than they have
for a long time, but truth be told, the recovery has been a long time coming.
However, consumer lenders in Japan such as Acom, Aiful, Promise, Takefuji, and
Honobono Lake have always had a pretty good deal over the same period.

Debt in Japan is relatively low-cost, and if you can lend out money at
interest rates greater than 20%, you have a pretty good business on your
hands. In recent years, some of the large consumer lenders partnered up with large banks in Japan, including Acom with Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (NYSE: MTU - News) and Promise with Sumitomo-Mitsui Financial Group providing additional, and likely cheaper, capital. It's worth noting that the economics of the business are attractive enough that General Electric (NYSE: GE - News), through its consumer finance business, owns Honobono Lake, and Citigroup (NYSE: C - News) has a division of its own, CFJ, as well.

Now that is a good lending rate. I wonder how the credit card business is in Japan. If access to consumer loans is so easy it seems that people won't use a credit card when it comes to a big purchase. If they want to go on a trip to Hawaii or something they can pop into Promise and pick up one of these loans and spend the next few years paying it down. This industry would be a very interesting one to further look into.

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