Friday, August 18, 2006

Israeli Soldiers say their army is Unprepared

Wow it looks like the Israeli army may really be showing how unprepared they are for any kind of prolonged ground action.
Israel's largest paper, Yediot Ahronot, quoted one soldier as saying
thirsty troops threw chlorine tablets into filthy water in sheep and cow
troughs. Another said his unit took canteens from dead guerrillas.

Now that is inexcusable in a 21 century military situation. Troops need to be properly hydrated at all times and shouldn't have to resort to foraging like they were some Napoleonic army. It seems the situation got even worse for the reservists.
Israeli newspapers quoted disgruntled reservists as saying they had no
provisions in Lebanon, were sent into battle with outdated or faulty equipment
and insufficient supplies, and received little or no training.

"I personally haven't thrown a grenade in 15 years, and I thought
I'd get a chance to do so before going north," an unidentified reservist in an
elite infantry brigade was quoted as telling the Maariv daily.

After this revelation Hezbollah may have been testing the clay feet of Israel for their Syrian and Iranian masters. I mean this IDF does not seem like the same force that could take on the entire Arab world in 1968. In fact they almost seem like a Paper Tiger.

I think Syria might be thinking long and hard about a preemptive invasion of Israel. Judging by this information there is a pretty good chance that Syria could defeat Israel in a stand-up fight if they had Iran on their side. Perhaps an Iranian surprise air strike coupled with a Syrian quick thrust deep into Israel. It would be possible for Syria to cut the nation in two and possibly besiege Tel Aviv in the first few days on the campaign.

Also if Syria coordinates things with Hamas to launch a guerilla campaign of suicide bombings, random attacks on civilians, etc they might have a decent chance of victory. All they have to do is count on the US being too scared to step in and help Israel militarily. I think a Hillary Clinton White House will give them just the kind of weak-willed foreign policy they might need to actually defeat Israel. Then when they have what they want they can have the UN step in and stop the fighting. This time Syria and Iran will be in the drivers seat.


Anonymous said...

Joe. The Syrian and Iranian armies and air forces are not the Hezbollah organization living in homes in south Lebanon. The Israeli Air Force is the best in the mid-east. Any moving or standing army in Syria or Iran will be taken apart within 72 hours. The 'real' Israeli army was not used in this conflict. Reservists were called up to give them experience. Most of the solid IDF was not used. Dad

Anonymous said...

Joe and Mr. Michels...I believe that this situation will cost Olmert with the Knesset, and is really a defeat for Israel since Hezbollah still stands...weakened, but standing none-the-less. I too had assumed the IDF could exterminate the Hezbollah mujahid forces, and was flabbergasted when the asymmetry of the conflict left them still an active force within Lebanon. Now that they are dispensing cash, they will garner even more of the Lebanese people's good will. I am afraid to say it, but the ME may be slightly worse after this conflict and truly, deplorably, and property was decimated...and Israel is still vulnerable, and terrorists still hold sway.
