Friday, August 18, 2006

Israel Shelves West Bank Pullout plan

That is a good thing too because it will just let the terrorists set up shop and give Israel's enemies the sense that they are "beating the Jews."

Others say that the unilateral decision to withdraw from the Gaza Strip
a year ago, without prior agreement with the Palestinian Authority, led to an
upsurge in violence directed at Israel in the form of primitive home-made

Yeah, letting the Palestinians have a state sometimes leads to an upsurge of violence. Hamas can't have it both ways. They either get the land back and have a state or fight Israel off-and-on for the next 100 years. I guess they are choosing the fight forever option. If that is the case Israel shouldn't give back a single inch of land until they have a lasting peace deal. Giving land back just gives terrorists fuel to continue to fight and a place to launch rockets from.

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