Friday, January 30, 2009

Michael Steel Elected GOP Chairman

He seems like a pretty decent choice for GOP chairman according to his background. He was an Air Force brat, has a international relations degree from Johns Hopkins and was a seminarian for 3 years. Then he pursued a law degree from Georgetown. Then he was a lawyer and then Lt. Governor of Maryland then failed at a Senate bid. He also has some fire in his belly as well judging from these comments:

"We're going to say to friend and foe alike: We want you to be a part of us, we want you to be with us, and for those who wish to obstruct, get ready to get knocked over," Steele said.

I'm just waiting for the MSM to say that Steele got the job because he was black. Just like how the New York Times said that Sarah Palin got the VP nomination because she was a woman.

O.K., the women thing might have been a little bit of a selling point. Not nearly so much as the national guard commandership, of course. But if the millions of Democratic women who are still ticked off at Obama for stepping in front of Hillary in the line want to look elsewhere ...

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