Monday, January 26, 2009

Just As I Suspected: War Coverage Starting to Soften

I knew that if Obama won we will start getting more human interest stories out of American war zones and this is one.

One person determined to inject some normalcy into their lives is Oliver Percovich. A 34-year-old from Melbourne, Australia, he plans to open this country’s first skateboarding school, Skateistan, this spring. He sees sport as a way to woo students into after-school activities like English and computer classes, which are otherwise reserved for the elite.

Yup this is a story about a guy promoting skateboarding in Kabul. The story mentions how these kids love skateboarding despite suicide bombings and pressure from hard line Taliban-types that want to keep boys and girls activities separate.

This stuff seemed curiously absent when the Bushies were in charge of Afghanistan. Now that Obama is boss the human interest stuff starts to bubble out.

I think that is one of the best things that will come out of the Obama Presidency. The press is a valuable tool to let Americans know that good things happen in these war torn countries. It isn't just a drumbeat of suicide bombings, Taliban death squads, and civilian deaths.

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