Thursday, June 16, 2005

Senate votes against Oil Supply Cuts

Ugh, another bone-headed move from the Senate. It looks like they are pro big-oil even more then they are now. Reducing oil imports by 2025 would put a nice deadline on efforts to make us less dependent on oil. This is part of the reason why W has such low approval ratings:

The Bush administration on Tuesday came out against the 1-million-barrel reduction in the energy bill and said it would oppose any provisions that require an increase in the fuel economy standards of automobiles sold in the U.S.

It looks like they are against trying to reduce oil consumption here. It seems that they are pandering to the automobile lobby as well. I thought the republicans wanted to not be the party that is in the pocket of big business.

This bill seemed pretty symbolic since it would take 20 years to be realized. Maybe they figure cutting by 7.64 million barrels per day in 20 years is too deep or something. They should have just amended the number to something more doable instead. These kind of screw-ups will cost them the majority if they aren't careful.

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