Thursday, June 30, 2005

FED should tell us the inning at least

The FED raised interest rates another quarter point today. They are at least addressing energy prices when it comes to their rate rises though. I think high energy prices are likely to spin us into a recession here if we aren't careful. I think this bit was interesting:

The Fed is expected to pause in its rate-rise campaign eventually but has been vague about timing. The halt is likely to come when rates hit a level the Fed deems "neutral," one that neither slows growth nor stimulates inflation.

Lets get certain signs they are looking for that signal we are approaching this "neutrality." Something like the CPI is between this number and that number. Or the manufacturing index needs to be under this number. The speculation is starting to get annoying. I guess they are ass-covering just in case there is an actual recession coming down the pike.

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