Tuesday, August 05, 2008

NRA Double Agent: Other Leftist Groups Probably Compromised

This is a very interesting story and makes me wonder if other liberal groups have been infiltrated as well.

"It raises some real concerns with the tactics of the NRA. If they've got one person, maybe they have more. If they've done this dirty trick, what else have they done?" said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign, which planned to search its offices for listening devices and computer spyware.

Maybe MoveOn.org's new web stringer is actually secretly working for Rush Limbaugh and is there to stir up infighting among their various donors. Maybe Mother Jones itself has a "Deep Red-State" copyrighter about to plant some hashish in the desk of their Editor and Chief. You never can tell.

I think these leftists groups should do a serious Stalinist Purge just to be sure. I mean anyone could be a "Blue-Stater" by simply mouthing leftist platitudes and holding "progressive positions" on "issues that matter." These secret Limbaughites and Hannityists will probably be the ones with the loudest voices of protest over "healthcare inequality," they go to every meet and greet with La Raza, and will probably have a "Bush=Hitler" bumper sticker on their Toyota Prius.

Every night these Hannityists go home to their San Fransisco walk-up and secretly faxes the inner workings of Code Pinks "12 Plans to Boot Bush" and get their orders on whose cup they need to pour the mescaline into the next morning. That plate of free pink cupcakes brought in by Joan "Fellow Traveller" Clegheimer might just have angel dust mixed into the topping.

Message to the Left: being paranoid doesn't mean there isn't a mole (or moles) in your ranks. Purge them now before it is too late!

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