Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kerry Tries to Make up For Bush Loss at DemCon

It seems that Kerry wants to make up for not beating a President that was eminently beatable with a bunch of crazy rhetoric.

"How insulting to suggest that those who question the mission, question the troops.

The problem is that some on the left actually do question the troops. General Betray-us anyone? So when so-called moderate voices on the left fail to denounce that kind of rhetoric then they give the impression that they tacitly approve of it even when you don't. I guess the MoveOn wing of the party is just too strong with the money bags for a guy like Kerry to denounce.

"How pathetic to suggest that those who question a failed policy doubt America itself.

You do question America when you describe its policy as failed. That means America would have let 4000 servicemen die in vain. Also where does he get off saying the Iraq war was a failure? You might have said that if you listened to guys like Kerry and you pulled the troops out in 2006. If we pulled out when the civil war was thickest, when there were headless bodies in the street, then you could say that the Iraq war was a failure. We would have left at the wrong possible time and let the Iraqi's fend for themselves.

However we may actually get a chance to pull out of a stable, democratic power instead of a country wracked by civil war. In other words we may get a Japan out of Iraq instead of a Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. Sunni Awakening+Surge did that and I hope Kerry can admit that.

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