Thursday, August 04, 2005

Zawahri Threatens us again

Yawn! This is getting pretty old from these Al-Quida scumbags. Yeah threaten all you want Americans and Brits have faced more fearsome enemies from this Papa Smurf looking idiot. Bush seems to agree:

In Crawford, Texas, President Bush dismissed the threat, saying, "We will stay on the offense against these people. They're terrorists and they're killers and they will kill innocent people ... so they can impose their dark vision on the world."

At least he isn't calling them a group of folks though. He should use fanatics or perhaps madmen instead though. I like how Zawahiri is giving us a way out of this Jihad BS:

"Hasn't Sheik Osama bin Laden told you that you will not dream of security before there is security in Palestine and before all the infidel armies withdraw from the land of Muhammad?" al-Zawahri said.

Hmm, I wonder what he means my Land of Muhammad? The entire middle east or just the parts that he hung out in? Or is it some bigger undefined area that Al-Quida is going to tell us later? So I guess Afganistan is cool because Muhammad didn't travel there at all.

"Our message is clear: you will not be safe until you withdraw from our land, stop stealing our oil and wealth and stop supporting the corrupt rulers," al-Zawahri said.

I would bet you any money that the Saudi Royal family is in the corrupt ruler camp. So we have to cut and run from our friends so these fools can seize half the world's oil. Also I wonder if they count Baby Assad and the Mad Mullahs in this group? Probably not. The sooner we can measure these guys for a toe tag the better.

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