Friday, August 19, 2005

Looks like Cindy Sheehan is bringing the Dems to the dark side

Hmm looks like the Repubs are getting some converts out of this Sheehan thing. Randolph is coming to the realization that the "cut and run" crowd would be abandoning an entire nation to its own devices and dishonoring the soldiers that have died already.

Only if Iraq can pull out of this mess and become one of the great nations in the Middle East will our sacrifice be worth it. If the nation falls into civil war then we would have truly betrayed the people (both ours and theirs) that died over there.

Yeah there was faulty intelligence and all that but we are in it and we need to see it through to the end. If we sneak out of the there Spanish style then 1800 Americans died for nothing. Any calls of "bring them home now" is a rank betrayal as bad as if the Palestinians stabbed Israel in the back after the Gaza pullout.

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