Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I agree with Frum's Assessment on the Gaza Pullout

This seems like a very good reason why Sharon chose to pull out of Gaza:

It was my National Review colleague David Frum who came up with the clearest assessment to date of the Israeli strategy: “Could it be that Sharon is calling the bluff of Western governments and the Arab states? By creating the very Palestinian state that those governments and those states pretend to want but actually dread Sharon is forcing them to end their pretense and acknowledge the truth.”

Yup, he is trying to see if all the European Israel haters are actually going to push the Palestinians into creating a state or not. They want to know if they will put their money where their mouths are. Or was it all just talk (and anti-semitism) coming from the Palestinian lovers in Europe and in U.S. Academia? Maybe they didn't want to see a Palestinian state at all but want to see Israel either humbled or broken up piece by piece. The pullout of Gaza could really make liars out them.

What ever the case Sharon could start saying that Israel tried everything they could and still the Palestinians want to kill them. They don't want a state they just want to kill Jews. Then they can build their wall higher and totally disengage from the Palestinians with firm reasoning under their feet.

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