Monday, May 10, 2010

Obama's Jewish Support Plummets

I think the anti-Israel nature of the Obama Administration is finally starting to create some consequences.

The US Jews polled were asked whether they would: (a) vote to re-elect Obama, or (b) consider voting for someone else. 42% said they would vote for Obama and 46%, a plurality, preferred the second answer. 12% said they did not know or refused to answer.

In the Presidential elections of 2008, 78% of Jewish voters, or close to 8 out of 10, chose Obama. The McLaughlin poll held nearly 18 months later, in April 2010, appears to show that support is down to around 4 out of 10.

From 80% support to 40% support in just a years time. Now wait until Iran gets the bomb on Obama's watch. I guess he will "condemn in the strongest possible terms Israel provoking Iran to act in self defense." I wonder if this is the start of Jewish flight away from the Democratic party? I mean Dems have shown over and over again how they dislike Israel and do everything that they can to embarrass their leaders. The Left has a long history of backing the Palestinians over our only democratic ally in the area.

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