Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Somali Pirates Declare War on US Shipping: We Need a WW2 Style Convoy System

I guess this is the first test of Obama's resolve because these pirates are now attacking aid ships that are flying American flags.

Pirates fired grenades and automatic weapons at the Liberty Sun, but its American crew successfully blockaded themselves inside the engine room. The ship was damaged in Tuesday's attack but escaped and was heading to Kenya under U.S. Navy guard.

A pirate whose gang attacked the aid ship admitted Wednesday that his group was targeting American ships and sailors.

I mean we won the war against the Barbary Coast pirates with force of arms. I think it is about time we started a convoy system that grouped together all merchant ships and paired them with US Navy escorts. Any boat that approaches a convoy from the Somali Coast will be tagged as hostile and be blown out of the water. This at the very least will prevent any other ships being seized.

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