Thursday, April 23, 2009

Poll Shows that 80% Think that More Debt will Hurt Future Generations

In a recent poll it seems that Obama's right direction numbers have finally edged ahead of his wrong direction numbers.

In a sign that Barack Obama has inspired hopes for a brighter future in the first 100 days of his presidency, an Associated Press-GfK poll shows that 48 percent of Americans believe the United States is headed in the right direction — compared with 44 percent who disagree.

I think he should seriously be concerned about this part though:

_While there is evidence that people feel more optimistic about the economy, 65 percent said it's difficult for them and their families to get ahead. More than one-third know of a family member who recently lost a job.

_More than 90 percent of Americans consider the economy an important issue, the highest ever in AP polling.

_Nearly 80 percent believe that the rising federal debt will hurt future generations, and Obama is getting mixed reviews at best for his handling of the issue.

This shows that missteps on the economy or a feeling that Obama is standing in the way of people getting ahead will cost him dearly. And that last number makes it seem that they took this poll at a Tea Party rally or something. It think it is a good thing that 80% of people in this poll think that *even more* federal debt will hurt future generations.

I'm glad that a large majority of Americans are finally understanding that you can't pay off your credit card bill by applying for more credit cards. People are getting the message that more and more debt will short change future generations and force them to either default on the debt or work even harder to pay the interest. Either way Obama and the Dems will be placed squarely on the blame line.

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