Thursday, January 26, 2006

Would the Hamas win be good for Benjamin Netanyahu?

It looks like Mr. Netanyahu could be the big winner out of Hamas coming to power. He had hardline credentials when he was Prime Minister and Likud looks pretty hawkish nowadays. Will the Israelis embrace Likud now that their neighbor has their destruction of their people as a plank in their platform? It seems like it depending on what Hamas does.

I think this is a historic time for Hamas to renounce all of the that terrorist crap and work with Israel like a party that is worthy of leading a nation. The destruction of Israel is totally impossible anyway. So they should instead advocate the building of a Palestinian nation that lives side by side with their former hated enemy. Kind of like India and Pakistan.

A softer Hamas will get the Kadima party into power and the peace plan will be back on. But a Hamas that is just more of the same will probably get Likud back into power. Then we will truly have a Middle East Crisis if they call off the truce. Likud won't back down from terror. They will amp up the security measures and maybe even Apache assassinate some leaders if Hamas suicide bombers start showing up in Israel.

I mean Hamas really doesn't have much to lose if they are interested in tangling with Israel again. Most of their top guys are hiding out in Syria and it looks like Israel will become the bad guy again depending on what actions they take. A Likud-led Israel which is hardline and starts rolling the tanks will be hated by the world. While the scrappy so-called "freedom fighters" will get the role of the persecuted minority but this time they are duly elected by their people. Ain't democracy grand?

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