Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Iran Removes the Seals

It looks like Iran is taking advantage of Ariel Sharon's illness and removed the seals on their uranium enrichment equipment. I don't think Israel will stand for another nuclear power in the Middle East for any period of time. And it looks like we may be stepping in as well:

"If the regime in Iran continues on the current course and fails to abide by its international obligations, there is no other choice but to refer the matter to the Security Council," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said.

Also it looks like Germany and France are going to condemn in the strongest possible terms but do almost nothing again:

French President Jacques Chirac warned Iran it would commit a serious mistake if it ignored the international community on its nuclear program.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Iran was sending "worrying signals" on the nuclear issue.

The key is what the Security Council is going to do. I have my money on slap on the wrist and Iran getting the bomb in about 5 years or so. Then we will have an Iran/Israel hot war soon afterward. Maybe even an nuclear exchange between the two powers.

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