Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Bush chooses John Roberts for the Supreme Court

Well, W went and did what I think is going to be a bad idea. He picked some white guy that will probably run directly into the partisan buzzsaw. I think he rushed the nomination to deflect the Rove mess that seems to be spreading over everything like kudzu.

Now he gives up his chance at history by putting a Hispanic on the Supreme Court. He even defied his wife by not picking a woman as well. Maybe, he is going to try for a woman or a Hispanic person when Rehnquist retires. But getting Roberts through will probably be a monumental task. The deems are already getting mad because they weren't consulted on the thing according to lea:

"There has been some reaching to Democrats but certainly not to the extent we saw during the Reagan administration or the Clinton administration," he said.

Yup, so their initial story will be they weren't consulted on the nomination so they are going to be four-square against it. (They probably would have been no mater what though.)

If W had a squeaky clean Hispanic or another woman (or a Hispanic woman) up there, they could have made the deems seem to be standing in the way of history. They may have even been able to play the race card depending on how the deems phrased their rhetoric. Now they have to push some white guy through. Good luck W. You are going to need it.

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