Friday, March 06, 2015

White House Scrambles to Explain Why the Didn't Know Hillary had a Private Email Account: She had her own email account for 4 years!

This has to be the worst CYA in a very long time.
That timeline got murkier on Friday as the White House struggled to respond to mounting questions over Hillary Clinton's private email use. The heat was turned up after Politico reported that top White House officials knew back in August that Clinton was conducting official business on personal email. 

Wait they only knew of this development in August of last year? She was sending email from that private account for 4 years!

White House spokesman Josh Earnest, when asked about what the White House knew, said senior officials were emailing Clinton while she was secretary of state and a few noticed she wasn't using a .gov email address. However, he did not say when they noticed it and whether red flags were raised. 
She was there for 4 years! They didn't notice that her probably 1000s of MBs of emails did not have .gov at the end when all of theirs do? Also I need to ask who else at the White House has their own private email services? How many of those servers have Red Chinese lurking on them?

He also said he had no idea when President Obama first found out and claimed he wouldn't be surprised if Obama only learned about it from "newspapers."
Again the most powerful man in the world has to learn things from "newspapers" rather than staffers or his billion dollar security apparatus. Hell, Obama could have found out that Hillary was running her own private email by looking at any piece of email he got from her at any time in the 4 years she was in Secretary of State. The White House must really think the American People are morons.

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