Monday, March 30, 2015

Three Sticking Points Remain on Iranian Nuclear Deal: And it isn't the total amount, color, and megaton capacity of the nukes they will build

I cannot believe there are actual sticking points on this golden deal for the Iranians.
The diplomat said the most difficult issues were related to the duration of any limits on Iranian nuclear activities after an initial 10 years, the lifting of U.N. sanctions and restoring them in case of non-compliance by Tehran.
"There cannot be an agreement if we do not have answers to these questions," the diplomat said on condition of anonymity. "The feeling is that if things are to happen, it's now that the pieces will fit together. There's a moment when you have to say yes or no."
The Iranians should take any deal because they will not get a better one from Hillary or Scott Walker or whomever is in place after Obama. The White House is desperate for legacy so they will be doing anything they can to make a deal.

10 years of oil sales and money flowing in and they can dictate terms. With their new-found billions they could create an Iranian SuperPac that throws money at whoever is running for President in 2026. The path to the bomb is right in front of the Mullahs if they choose to take it.

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