Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hillary Deleting Emails is very Nixonian: I Agree

I have to agree with assessment of the Hillary email server affair.
And this whole deletion thing is so Nixonian. Remember Rose Mary Woods and those mistakenly erased 18-or-so minutes of Watergate tape? Is it possible that Hillary is Nixon's political daughter, or at least his niece? And then there's the business about the Secret Service monitoring security threats from cyberspace hacking. Just doesn't fly. How do we know? Is the Secret Service going to issue a press release? Do we really believe they were involved in Hillary's homemade server in Chappaqua? 
Hillary deleting whatever email she wanted is very similar to how Nixon would have handled things if he had email. He might have stonewalled further by not releasing any emails but he certainly would have deleted whatever he wanted and said it was "personal."

Now we have to just believe Hillary when she says all those emails are just about Chelsea's wedding and yoga poses. Its hard to believe government officials nowadays after all the lies thrown around. "If you like your doctor you can keep him" comes to mind pretty readily.

I really hope the Dems can come up with a different candidate because this whole affair just brings up the lying, obfuscation, and "the rules don't apply to them" feelings of the Clinton years. I mean we have a nation of 318 million people and we have to run the wife of the former President. That is also why I'm not voting for Jeb Bush because he is the son and the brother of the guys that were already President. Let someone other than the Clintons and the Bushes have a shot at it already.

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