Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Congress Votes to Dodge Obamacare: In Other Words the Plebs are Forced Into Obamacare while the Lords Keep Whats Theirs

Well it seems Congress is all about Obamacare for thee but not for me.

The decision by the Office of Personnel Management, with Obama's blessing, will prevent the largely unintended loss of healthcare benefits for 535 members of the Senate and House of Representatives and thousands of Capitol Hill staff.

When Congress passed the health reform law known as "Obamacare" in 2010, an amendment required that lawmakers and their staff members purchase health insurance through the online exchanges that the law created. They would lose generous coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

They were afraid of this happening:

This caused fears that staff would suddenly face sharply higher healthcare costs and leave federal service, causing a "brain drain" on Capitol Hill.

The last thing they wanted was to have people in Congress have to fend for themselves in the private sector. I guess they felt that they didn't want to move down the road and become lobbyists and give up the power they have amassed just to hold onto their gold-plated health insurance. Too bad the vast majority of Americans can't vote to keep themselves out of Obamacare or even hold onto the insurance that they have.

I think a good idea is that Obama should go ahead and drop his gold-plated Federal Health Insurance and go into the exchanges in good faith. Then make the rest of his cabinet do the same. If it is good enough for the President it should be good enough for everyone else.

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