Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bipartisanship at Last: Congress United over NSA Snooping

They didn't seem very interested until Snowden spilled the beans.

Last week's House vote of 217-205 defeating an attempt to dismantle the program was significant not only because of the narrowness of the victory for the Obama administration, but also because it created unusual political coalitions. Libertarian-leaning conservatives and liberal Democrats pressed for change against the Republican establishment and Congress' pro-security wing.

Backing the NSA program were 134 Republicans and 83 Democrats, including House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, who typically does not vote, and Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi. Rejecting the administration's last-minute pleas to spare the surveillance operation were 94 Republicans and 111 Democrats.

I guess those Congress-critters just love listening that voted to keep the program just love listening to your phone calls. I bet they are seriously looking forward to monitoring your credit card purchases, hotel records, and Internet searches as well.

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