Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Big Brother Contestant Praised Nazi Doctors? Oh and 6 of them are Racist, Homophobic, Misogynist etc. Good Job CBS.

I guess CBS won't show it but I think they may have found some of the worst people in the world and gave them their own show. This has to be the worst of the worst and CBS seems okay with it.

Here are examples, compiled and expanded from the above sources, video clips, and other sources:
  • GinaMarie said that, because of her income level, she receives “nigger insurance” (she whispered the n-word, so it’s possible she said the version that ends with “a”). She whispered it to both Nick and Andy, neither of whom challenged her.
  • GinaMarie said Helen, who’s Asian, “should be kissing our ass and serving us some fucking rice.”
  • Aaryn said of Andy, “No one’s gonna vote for whoever that queer puts up.” She also suggested he’d win MVP because “people love the queers.”
  • Aaryn said about Candice, who’s black, “be careful what you say in the dark; you might not be able to see that bitch.” (A month ago, Aaryn tweeted, “Attractiveness comes from inside. What would you look like if your looks mirrored your words and actions?” So much irony.)
  • GinaMarie said Candice “gets that fuckin’ blackness,” referring to Candice’s reaction to something that happened in the game.
  • Aaryn said of Helen, “Shut up. Go make some fucking rice.”
  • Talking about sheets that smelled bad, David said they were that way because “black Candice” was on them, and then admitted, “that was totally racist.”
  • Jeremy, who calls the house’s women “bitches,” said of Katilin, “I did touch her vagina today.. she didn’t act like she was happy.. I like to feel around see what’s she’s working with.. see if it’s a nice meat wallet … I know she’s on her period.”
  • Spencer called Andy “Kermit the fag”; Amanda called Andy “Faggoty Ann” (McCrae later called her out for that language, but she defended it).
  • Spencer said that the medical torture conducted by Nazi doctors was beneficial and praised Hitler’s speaking abilities, even while acknowledging that he’d be criticized for that.
  • Katilin said she likes gay people but they’re “untrustworthy in a game like this.”
  • McCrae said, “If I’m talking to a girl, that probably means I don’t want to fuck her.”
  • Spencer referred to women as “cunts.”
  • GinaMarie said, “you know two blacks stick together. They’re like tokens.”

I didn't think there was a person alive that actually praised Nazi Doctors and said what they were doing was "beneficial." This is Spencer Clawson of Big Brother if you don't know. That is the face of an ignorant, racist, scumbag and has no place on network TV drawing a paycheck from CBS. Here is just a bit about Josef Mengele one of Spencer Clawson's beloved Nazi Doctors and what he did at Auschwitz:

As with other inmates at Auschwitz, Mengele's imagination knew no bounds when it came to devising physical torments for his victims. Preliminary examinations of the twins were routine enough. The children filled out a questionnaire, were weighed and measured. However, a more gruesome fate awaited them at Mengele's hands. He took daily blood samples from his children, and sent these to Professor von Verschuer in Berlin. He injected blood samples from one twin into another twin of a different blood type and recorded the reaction. This was invariably a searingly painful headache and high fever that lasted for several days. In order to determine if eye color could be genetically altered, Mengele had dye injected into the eyes of several twin subjects. This always resulted in painful infections, and sometimes even blindness. If such twins died, Mengele would harvest their eyes and pin them to the wall of his office, much like a biologist pins insect samples to styrofoam. Young children were placed in isolation cages, and subjected to a variety of stimuli to see how they would react. Several twins were castrated or sterilized. Many twins had limbs and organs removed in macabre surgical procedures that Mengele performed without using an anesthetic. Other twins were injected with infectious agents to see how long it would take for them to succumb to various diseases.

Spencer Clawson whom CBS's put on their Big Brother program says that the man that performed the above atrocities was "beneficial." The casual racism on Big Brother is bad but anyone who praises a monster like Josef Mengele and continues to be on a CBS show needs be branded as a pariah.


Anonymous said...

All that stuff is so terrifying I have a hard time connecting it to reality. It's hard for me to even imagine children being tortured in this way. Its how I would imagine the pits of hell being like. I never knew it was so gruesome and just how evil it was until last year when I looked it up on...I think Wikipedia. I am in absolutely NO WAY defending Spencer or what he said. It would be evil to do so. But in the mind of someone so ignorant as to say these things, I winder what would make him think it was beneficial? Even if information came from it, it shouldn't be acknowledged in a positive way at all. I'm curious did any disease preventing or anything come from it that actually helped people or further medical science? I am only curious..and a little interested to maybe find out what in the world Spencer is thinking. ??

Joemama said...

No actual disease prevention or anything beneficial came from the Nazi Doctors as far as I can tell.

Some experiments did help the Nazi war machine though. High altitude testing, poison gas experiments, and hypothermia testing was done on live Soviet POWs.

Most of the Nazi Doctors experiments were geared toward proving Nazi racial theories and not curing disease or anything like that.