Friday, January 13, 2012

Newt Gingrich is a Damn Idiot: Dings Romney on speaking French when he Does Himself!

I can't wait until this buffoon runs out of campaign money and slinks back to Fox News to offer his "commentary" on various things. In other words I can ignore him until Krauthammer or Karl Rove of someone else actually says something constructive. Here is his hypocritical attack on Romney and his speaking of hated French.

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich is hitting Rival Mitt Romney in a new ad, with a voice-over that says at one point, “just like John Kerry, he speaks French, too.”

But it may not be Gingrich’s best line of attack, considering the former professor has a doctorate in European history from Tulane University.

Gingrich’s 1971 dissertation – “Belgian Education Policy in the Congo 1945-1960” — contains a multitude of sources in French in his bibliography.

In total, Gingrich relied upon 143 French-language sources to write his dissertation — including 18 “public documents,” 90 books, 33 published articles and 2 unpublished documents.

Yeah, I guess he either didn't actually include information from these hated French sources or had to read them with a derisive sneer on his lips. The problem is France under Sarkozy is a far different entity then it was when "freedom fries" were popular. 
This view also insults GOPers that I guess are supposed to have a reflexive hatred of France that is no longer warranted. This France is one of the things that is keeping Greece and Italy from dragging down the rest of the world economy. This France was responsible for bombing Libya into submission after we led from behind. I'm hoping Conservatives have grown up a little in the 9 years since when we are supposed to hate the French. 
In the meantime I would like the people of South Carolina to boot this igoramous out of the race so we can focus on the task at hand. That would be attacking Obama and how he has failed as a president and should not win a second term.

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