Friday, October 30, 2009

White House Puts on the Enemies List

It seems that the White House can't let a day go by without looking thin-skinned and petty.

But in addition to Fox News, now The White House is going after highly-respected and influential car site

They're actually using The White House blog to dispute the site's analysis of Cash-For-Clunkers (via Detroit News).

The post is snarkily titled: "Busy Covering Car Sales on Mars, Gets It Wrong (Again) on Cash for Clunkers"

Yes, the official White House blog just accused a site about cars of "being from Mars." I think someone seriously needs to go down there and tell them that they aren't working for DailyKOS or someone. They represent the most powerful office in the land and need to use at least a small dollop of civility toward people that disagree with them.

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