Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another Reason Why Obama is Falling in the Polls

I think this article hits the nail on the head on why Obama suddenly fell from his lofty 70%+ approval rating.

After ten months in office a clear pattern has emerged. Instead of hope and change, it's blame and attack. Obama rarely gives a speech about a pressing national problem--the economy, health care, the budget deficit--without blaming Republicans or former president George W. Bush. For many Americans it's getting old. It makes the president look small and petty. Does he want America's respect or its pity?

Yup people voted for hope and change and instead got petty and mean-spirited. I mean you can only blame Bush for so long before people start asking "yeah that other guy is gone so what are you going to do now Mr. President?"

The Afghanistan whining was case in point. Rahm Emanuel and everyone was "it has been screwed up for 8 years already." Yeah that doesn't matter because what you do in the next 8 years is all that matters now. Blaming Bush is getting so old that I immediately change the channel whenever a White House person utters it.

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