Thursday, July 03, 2008

Obama on Iraq: At least he'll listen to generals first

I guess that 16 month BS is actually subject to some kind of change depending on what his generals tell him.

"Let me be as clear as I can be. I intend to end this war. My first day in office I will bring the joint chiefs of staff in and I will give them a new mission and that is to end this war," Obama told reporters in his second news conference.
But he added: "I would be a poor commander in chief if I didn't take facts on the ground into account."

So if the generals tell him that they can't possibly pull out in 16 months and not leave chaos behind them then he will "take the facts into account." At least then heading for the exits in 2007. Here he is dumping on the Surge which has been a great success despite his partys objection to it.

"While some have proposed escalating this war by adding thousands of more troops, there is little reason to believe that this will achieve [victory]," Obama said.

"It's not clear that these troop levels are sustainable for a significant period of time, and according to our commanders on the ground, adding American forces will only relieve the Iraqis from doing more on their own."

Again Obama is wrong on the Surge but he might actually get a withdraw with a victory instead of cutting out when the going gets tough.

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