Thursday, July 10, 2008

Democrats Coming Around on Offshore Drilling

At last they are starting to see that their constituencies are running the show and not the environmental wackos. Americans want to put their energy security in their own hands and not hand it off to Mullahs and Chavez. And on reading this I find it too bad that Jim Webb (D Va.) isn't running for President instead of Obama.

Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.), fresh from his GI Bill victory, said that he is now making energy a major priority. “We need to look at all our assets,” he said, suggesting a large package including expanded offshore drilling, alternative energy, nuclear power and technology to make coal cleaner.

I am really heartened by talk like this from the Dems. At the very least I hope a guy like Jim Webb becomes Obama's Energy Czar. He actually gets it that we need to change our behavior toward oil and nuclear in order to get control of our national security. The Japanese and the French get 70% of their power from nuclear energy why shouldn't we? Hell, we invented the technology! Nuclear is the short term fix and alternative energy is the long term fix.

We can't just give in to the the Sierra Club and those people that want to protect the view from their million dollar homes. Hell, we probably wouldn't even be embroiled in the Middle East (at least since the 70s) if we had total control of our energy security. Part of the reason we propped up dictators and other undesirables in that area for so long is because we didn't want the Soviets to hurt our oil supply.

You could make the argument that we are filling up our tanks with the very thing that will get us embroiled in every hot war for the next century. We are actually giving the Mullahs money so that they can build nukes, and fund Hezbollah, so they can wipe Israel off the map. Even though we aren't buying Iranian oil directly all they have to do is pop off a few missiles, and it sends oil prices up, and it enriches them. So I guess the Dems are finally starting to understand that to "Stop the War with Iran" we need to throw the environmentalists under the bus.

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