Thursday, July 24, 2008

Are the Democrats Now the Party of the Rich?

At least it is starting to seem so according to this article by the Heritage Foundation.

More important, though, is whether Obama's remarks reflect the emerging demographic transformation of the Democratic party from a bottom-up "party of the people" into a holding pen for all sorts of economic and educational elites. One way to test this is to look at who has been making presidential campaign contributions during the 2008 election cycle. Thanks to the way the Federal Election Commission collects this data, we can sort contributions according to a donor's occupation or employer.

We are already seeing this tendency for the Dems to go for the rich in the housing bailout. The Housing Bailout Bill will let Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buy mortgages of up to $625,000 in high-cost areas such as South Florida, California and the Northeast, which is up from $417,000. A person with a $625,000 home is probably in that elite category mentioned above. I wonder if some of Obama's economic plans will be softened by these new rich backers?

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