Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Heather Mills is a Scumbag

The more I read about this case the more it looks like she just strait-up robbed Paul McCartney. Check out this line item in her attempted $250 million money grab.
Mills, a self-proclaimed activist, also claimed she would need $1.25 million
a year to give to charities, but admitted she would be using $985,000 of that
amount for traveling to appearances via helicopters and private jets.
Yup, she tried to get $1.25 million a year to charities and then tried to take 79% of the money to fly around in helicopters and jets to get to "appearances." Why doesn't she just give the entire amount to charities and causes and fly coach instead?

This should show you why celebrities force people to sign prenups. Greedy gold-diggers like Mills should be rightly ridiculed when when they call themselves "activists" just to fly around in helicopters and private planes. I hope she gets booed when she judges the Miss USA Pageant.

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