Monday, September 09, 2013

Russia Floats Syrian Peace Plan: Wants the Nerve Gas Locked up

This seems like a fairly reasonable plan if you can trust Syria and Russia to follow through on it.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met his Syrian counterpart and urged Damascus to "place chemical weapons under international control and then have them destroyed."

Tony Blinken, deputy US national security advisor, said Washington would consult Russia over the plan but expressed doubt about the trustworthiness of the Syrian leadership.

"We would welcome a decision and action by Syria to give up its chemical weapons," he said, but added that Syria's "track record to date, doesn't give you a lot of confidence."

If I were playing Russia in the "Great Game" I would then arm the crap out of the Syrian regime and have them crush the rebels with conventional weapons. Maybe have some Hezbollah pretending to be rebels "attack" the Russian naval base at Tartus so that you can mount a more robust response. Just a car bomb or two at the front gate of the base would do.

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