Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Heritage Foundation Morphs from Intellectual Think Tank to Purity Attack Group

I have to agree with this passage when it comes to conservative thought or the lack thereof.

Today, prominent Republicans publicly worry they're becoming the "stupid party." In its prime, Heritage rose to rival the power and capacity of the liberal academic establishment, giving conservatives a reputation as serious thinkers. “There was a time when leftist intellectuals dismissed conservatives as the party without intellect. Heritage undid that,” Edwards said. “The Republican Party for a while had the high ground. Everyone said that’s where the ideas are, that’s where the intellectual ferment is. When your intellectual ferment is nothing more than a political platform, that [reputation] is undercut. That hurts the conservative movement in general.”

There needs to be a rival to the liberal academic establishment. The liberals own most of the faculties of the most prestigious universities in the country so there needs to be a counter balance. When the GOP "get rid of Planned Parenthood" they need to say "replace it with such-and-such" and here is the evidence backing up our position. In other words say how you can make something better and not just cut something and move on.

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