Tuesday, January 04, 2011

2011 Predictions: Entertainment and Sports


1. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie finally split after several acrimonious months. They reunite by the end of the year.

2. Reality TV starts to become less popular with record low ratings for American Idol and Survivor. TV is still dominated by action packed series like Hawaii 5-0 and NCIS: various. Law & Order finally vanishes from TV all together.

3. Facebook starts to see a backlash after it IPOs and it begins an inevitable decline. People start to use it less and less while it is hyped more and more. It is used more or less like a games server rather than a transformative service of the future that will revolutionize everything. Twitter also meets the same fate but much quicker as people stop updating their status and eventually forget their passwords. People look back on 2010 as the high-water mark of both services.

4. Apple still moves forward like a Juggernaut as the IPad 2.0 is scooped up in record numbers. A color Kindle is introduced but the device continues to suffer until it becomes less of an E-Reader and more of an IPad clone instead using Android. The gadget market is divided right down the middle between Apple and Google.


1. The following teams win:

College Football National Title: Oregon
College Basketball National Title: Syracuse
NFL: New England Patriots
NBA: San Antonio Spurs
MLB: Philadelphia Phillies
NASCAR: Jimmie Johnson
NHL: Detroit Red Wings
Premier League Title: Chelsea

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