Friday, December 03, 2010

Wikileaks Running Scared: DNS and Hosting Companies Abandon It

At least their hosting companies are starting to wise up to the fact that they shouldn't be involved in the weaken of US security.

Manchester, New Hampshire-based company EveryDNS, which had been directing traffic to the website — stopped late Thursday after cyber attacks threatened the rest of its network. WikiLeaks responded by moving to a Swiss domain name, — and calling on activists for support. Two companies host the Swiss domain name, one of which is in France. The other is in Sweden.

Even the French are turning on Wikileaks.

Officials in France moved to ban WikiLeaks from servers there, with Industry Minister Eric Besson calling it unacceptable to host a site that "violates the secret of diplomatic relations and puts people protected by diplomatic secret in danger."

Also I'm glad that Amazon wised up and decided to break ties with the site as well.

Amazon booted the site on Wednesday after U.S. Congressional staffers started asking the company about its relationship to WikiLeaks. The company later said it ousted WikiLeaks because WikiLeaks doesn't own its content and Amazon claimed it could be endangering innocent people by publishing unredacted material.

It does suck that they have to be given a talking to by Congress in order for them to budge. They should have taken off the material as any other company trying to post stolen files. I'm pretty sure they would cut ties to a company that provided streams of current TV shows that were ripped off of Hulu. What makes these stolen documents any different? They were stolen from the US government and were posted without permission. It seems cut and dried to me.

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