Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Advice to the Tea Party from the Cato Institute

This is good advice however I do wonder if this movement will endure past 2012 when Obama is hopefully ushered out of office?

He offers five pieces of advice for members of the Tea Party movement:

1. Republicans aren’t always your friends.

2. Some tea partiers like big government.

3. Democrats aren’t always your enemies.

4. Smaller government demands restraint abroad.

5. Leave social issues to the states.

I have to agree with #3. If the Dem is a fiscal conservative and wants to shrink the size of government and has a track record of doing it then I support them 100%.

Also #5 should be pushed quite a bit because the more the Tea Party moves away from slowing the growth of government and fiscal sobriety the faster they can be marginalized. Most everyone agrees that the government wastes money but wedge issues like immigration or abortion should be left to their own advocacy groups to tackle.

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